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The research group

The group does not employ any new researchers currently.

Slides on the research group.

The Applications of Machine Learning (AML) research group belongs to the new big Department of Computer Science at the Aalto University School of Science, Espoo, Finland. The former name of this group was Environmental and Industrial Machine Learning (EIML) research group up to April 2015.

The AML group is developing or has developed new machine learning techniques and applications:

The head of the AML research group is Prof. Juha Karhunen. The original EIML research group was created by Dr. Amaury Lendasse, who became Associate Professor in Iowa University, USA, from September 2014. Originally the name of this group was Time Series Prediction research group, reflecting its central research topic years ago.

Physically, the group is located in Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland, in the Computer Science (CS) building of Aalto University. The address of the CS building is Konemiehentie 2C, 02150 Espoo, Finland. The mail address is P.O. Box 15400, 00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland. The email addresses of the group members are of the form: firstname.surname@aalto.fi .


The members of the research group, with links to their home pages, are listed here. The research group is led by Prof. Juha Karhunen.




Current Projects

Former Projects