
Nine awards ($500 each) were given to best student papers in International Symposium of Room Acoustics (ISRA 2013) conference, held in Toronto June 9-11 2013.  The decisions were based on the quality of submitted full papers and the committee said that the quality of all awarded papers were high. Two out of these nine awarded papers were from our Virtual Acoustics team, namely:

[1] A Haapaniemi, A Southern and T Lokki. A finite-difference time-domain investigation of reflections from layered wall structures. In International Symposium on Room Acoustics (ISRA 2013). 2013. URL BibTeX / Info

	address = "Toronto, Canada",
	author = "A. Haapaniemi and A. Southern and T. Lokki",
	booktitle = "International Symposium on Room Acoustics (ISRA 2013)",
	date-added = "2013-03-13 17:35:54 +0200",
	date-modified = "2013-03-13 17:35:54 +0200",
	keywords = "Wave-based models, Concert hall acoustics",
	month = "June 9-11",
	title = "A finite-difference time-domain investigation of reflections from layered wall structures",
	url = "",
	year = 2013,
	bdsk-url-1 = ""

[2] A Kuusinen and T Lokki. Individual differences in quality judgments and preferences of concert hall acoustics. In International Symposium on Room Acoustics (ISRA 2013). 2013. URL BibTeX / Info

	address = "Toronto, Canada",
	author = "A. Kuusinen and T. Lokki",
	booktitle = "International Symposium on Room Acoustics (ISRA 2013)",
	date-added = "2013-03-13 17:35:54 +0200",
	date-modified = "2013-03-13 17:35:54 +0200",
	keywords = "Concert hall acoustics",
	month = "June 9-11",
	title = "Individual differences in quality judgments and preferences of concert hall acoustics",
	url = "",
	year = 2013,
	bdsk-url-1 = ""

Congrats to Antti and Aki!

The awards were funded by equal contributions from the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), the International Commission on Acoustics (ICA), and ARUP.