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Kernel Methods, Pattern Analysis and Computational Biology (KEPACO)

The KEPACO group develops machine learning methods, models and tools for data science, in particular computational metabolomics. The methodological backbone of the group is formed by kernel methods and regularized learning. The group particularly focusses in learning with multiple and structured targets, multiple views and ensembles. Applications of interest include metabolomics, biomedicine, pharmacology and synthetic biology.

See overview of KEPACO research (in PDF)


  • Older news

    Personnel and contact information

    The KEPACO group is located at the Department of Computer Science at the School of Science of Aalto University. We also belong to the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology.

    Contact information and how to get to CS department in Aalto University Otaniemi Campus


    Research projects

    • Biodesign - Virtual Laboratory for Enzyme Design, Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation grant 2023-2027
    • MASF - Machine Learning for Systems Pharmacology. Academy of Finland grant 2021-2025
    • AIB - Artificial intelligence for interaction prediction in biomedicine, Academy of finland grant 2022-2024
    • MAGITICS - MAchine learning for diGItal diagnosTICS of antimicrobial resistance, JPI/Academy of Finland grant, 2020-2023

    Teaching 2021-23

    • CS-E4710 Machine Learning: Supervised Methods, Autumn 2022
    • CS-E4880 Machine Learning in Bioinformatics, Spring 2023


    Please find our software in GitHub page github.com/aalto-ics-kepaco.


    Recent publications

    Visitors and Alumni

    Visitors to the group

    • 2023-24: Prof. Elena Casiraghi, Università degli Studi di Milano
    • 2023: Elina Francovic-Fontaine, PhD student, Laval University
    • 2023: Indumathi P, PhD student, IIT Madras
    • 2023: Golsar Fatemeh Abbasi, PhD student, University of Tehran
    • 2020: Prof. Cecile Capponi, Aix-Marseille Universite
    • 2019: Prof. Sahely Bhadra, IIT Palakkad, India, Dr. Kai Dührkop, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
    • 2019: Dr. Luc Motte, Telecom Paris
    • 2018: Dr. Christina Leslie, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
    • 2017: Prof. Francois Laviolette, Laval University, Canada; Prof. Sebastian Boecker, Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena
    • 2016: Prof. Sebastian Boecker, Dr. Tim White, Marcus Ludwig, Kai Duehrkop, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
    • 2015: Prof. Giorgio Valentini, Università degli Studi di Milano
    • 2013: Prof. Sebastian Boecker, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena


    Former students and interns