M.Sc. Rakshith Shetty receives the 2018 Best Master's thesis award by the Finnish Society for Computer Science. The award was announced at the Symposium of Computer Science in Finland 2018, which this year was arranged in Turku.
B.Sc. Arturs Polis joined the group as a summer intern.
B.Sc. Héctor Laria Mantecón and B.Sc. Aditya Kaushik joined the CBIR group as a summer interns.
B.Sc. Phu Pham joined the CBIR group as a summer intern.
D.Sc. (Tech.) Mats Sjöberg and B.Sc. Tzu-Jui "Julius" Wang joined the CBIR group.
Three new projects started: H2020 MeMAD and Academy of Finland-funded projects DeepGraph and AIROBEST.
We develop novel machine learning methods for automatic multimedia analysis and retrieval. Our main focus is on deep learning techniques including convolutional and recurrent neural networks.
Recent research topics have included: