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Elementwise Sparse Group Factor Analysis

The source code below implements the Bayesian Group Factor Analysis with element wise prior inducing sparsity. The zip-package contains both, the code for learning the model and running on a toy dataset.

Source Code

Download: Release version. Development versions: GFAsparse.zip (R Implementation, Version 0.1, December 2013) GFAsparse02.zip (R Implementation, Version 0.2, October 2015)
Dependencies: R package compiler
Example: The package v0.1 contains a example script demo.R that runs on toy data and v0.2 test2wayGFA.R.
License: Licensed under the FreeBSD open source license.



Suleiman Ali Khan: khan.suleiman@gmail.com Eemeli Leppäaho: eemeli.leppaaho@aalto.fi
Authors: Suleiman A. Khan, Eemeli Leppäaho