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ReSoLVE Autumn meeting in Espoo 28.-29.10.2015

Wednesday am

10.00    Foreword

Helios & Cosmic: Room T4

10.10    K. Mursula

Is the ballerina still bashful?: recent evolution of the hemispheric asymmetry

10.30    I. Virtanen

Reconstructing solar magnetic fields from historical observations: Renormalized Ca K spectroheliograms and pseudo-magnetograms

10.50    J. Koskela

Comparing the PFSS coronal magnetic field prediction with the observed heliospheric magnetic field at 1 AU over several solar cycles

11.10    I. Usoskin

Recalibration of sunspot number series

11.30    E. Asvestari

Reconstruction of cosmogenic radionuclide production and comparison with terrestrial archives since 1610

Lunch: 1595/6 TUAS Restaurant


Poster viewing and coffee

13.00-14.00   T-building bridge, 2nd floor

Wednesday pm

Energetic & Magnetic: Room T4

14.00    T. Asikainen

Reconstruction of energetic electron precipitation for 130 years

14.20    A. Hamada

Identifying coronal holes from synoptic maps of SOHO/EIT and SDO/AIA EUV images

14.40    E. Tanskanen

Equinox and solstice dominance in geomagnetic activity

15.00    P. Peitso

Latitudinal variation of geomagnetic activity in solar cycle 24

15.20    Coffee

Dynamo: Room T4

15.30    M. Käpylä

Maunder "minimum" in silico

15.50    A. Grigorevsky

Time series prediction using machine learning techniques

16.10    Matthias Rheinhardt

Turbulent transport coefficients from spherical dynamo simulations

Dinner and Sauna: Donor's Lounge 3rd Floor

18.00-01.00 at the Donor's Lounge

Thursday am

Open session - Room T3

09.00    Emilia Kilpua

On the Space Weather Response of Coronal Mass Ejections and their Sheath Regions

09.20    Ari Laaksonen

CLOUD experiment on galactic cosmic rays and cloud formation

09.40    Thomas Hackman

Observing stellar magnetic activity

10.00    Jaan Pelt

Frequency dependent correlations - simple tool for time series analysis

10.20    Esa Kallio

Space weather simulations

10.40    Discussion

11.00    Coffee

11.20    Minttu Uunila

Long-term solar monitoring at mm-wavelengths

11.40    Juhani Huovelin

Application of big data analysis and knowledge discovery for scientific and non-scientific purposes

12.00    Kirsti Kauristie

A new method for deriving ionospheric currents and conductances from Swarm data

12.20    Markku Oinonen

Projects on Lapland tree-rings

12.40    Discussion

Lunch: T-building bridge, 2nd floor


Thursday pm

CS Forum - Odeion TUAS Building

14.15    Prof. Ilya Usoskin

The Maunder minimum (1645-1715) was indeed a grand minimum: a reassessment of multiple datasets

Board meeting: Room A346

15.30-17.00 Board members only