KEPACO news archive
Here you can find older news of the KEPACO group. Newest of the news can be found on the group home page.
- November 15, 2023. Dr. Emily Bennett from VTT starts as a visiting post-doctoral researcher in biodesign at KEPACO group. Welcome Emily!
- November 11-14, 2023. Riikka presents our paper "Scalable Variable Selection for Two-View Learning Tasks with Projection Operators" at ACML 2023 conference.
- October 14-21, 2023. Taneli and Juho visit IIT Palakkad and IIT Madras.
- September 26 - October 5, 2023. Taneli visits Marie-France Sagot and the Erable group, at Inria, University of Lyon 1, France.
- September 12, 2023. Dr. Anchen Li starts as a post-doctoral researcher in KEPACO group. Welcome Anchen!
- September 11, 2023. Heli Julkunen starts as a PhD student in KEPACO. Welcome back Heli!
- June 5-9, 2023. Taneli visits Marie-France Sagot and the Erable group, at Inria, University of Lyon 1, France.
- May 15 - July 14, 2023. Indumathi P from Indian Institute Of Technology (IIT) Madras visits KEPACO. Welcome Indumathi!
- May 8-12, 2023. Juho co-organizes the Computational metabolomics and machine learning workshop in Shonan, Japan.
- April 3 - July 20, 2023. Elina Francovic-Fontaine from Laval University visits KEPACO. Welcome Elina!
- March 7 - May 30, 2023. Golsar Fatemeh Abbasi from University of Tehran visits KEPACO. Welcome Golsar!
- February 27 - June 1, 2023. Prof. Elena Casiraghi from University of Milan visits KEPACO. Welcome back Elena!
- February 20 - March 1, 2023. Taneli visits Marie-France Sagot and the Erable group, at Inria, University of Lyon 1, France.
- January 13, 2023. Eric Bach defends his PhD thesis Machine learning methods for structural elucidation in untargeted metabolomics.
- January 9, 2023. Ellimari Paunio starts her MSc thesis in KEPACO group. Welcome Ellimari!
- November 17, 2022. Taneli chaired the WASP meeting "AI in biology and healthcare".
- November 14-18, 2022. Prof. Elena Casiraghi from University of Milan visits KEPACO. Welcome back Elena!
- October 2-12, 2022. Taneli visits Marie-France Sagot and the Erable group, at Inria, University of Lyon 1, France.
- September 26-30, 2022. Prof. Elena Casiraghi from University of Milan visits KEPACO. Welcome Elena!
- August 15-26, 2022. Riikka and Juho visit Laval University, Quebec City.
- June 28, 2022. KEPACO summer retreat takes place at Suomenlinna island.
- May 16-20, 2022. Riikka visits the Qarma group, at Aix-Marseille University, France.
- May 2, 2022. Maryam Astero starts as a PhD student in KEPACO. Welcome Maryam!
- January 12, 2022. Robert Armah-Sekum starts as a PhD student in KEPACO. Welcome Robert!
- November 15, 2021. Gianmarco Midena joins KEPACO as a PhD student. Welcome Gianmarco!
- July 25-30, 2021. Tian presents our paper and Eric presents our poster at ISMB/ECCB 2021 conference
- July 7, 2021. KEPACO summer workshop takes place at Tamminiemi villa.
- July 1, 2021. Amandine Grosfils starts as an intern in Kepaco group. Welcome Amandine!
- may 3, 2021. Taneli Pusa start as a post-doctoral researcher in KEPACO group. Welcome Taneli!
- September 20, 2019. Juho co-chairs an ECML/PKDD workshop on Data and Machine Learning Advances with Multiple Views
- September 6, 2019. Heli Julkunen receives a MSc thesis award for her thesis "Predictive modeling of anticancer efficacy of drug combinations using factorization machines". Congrats!
- September 1, 2019. Dr. Kai Duehrkop joins the group as a post-doctoral researcher for Autumn 2019. Welcome Kai!
- August 30, 2019. Our summer interns Antoine, Jane and Luc told about their experience in Aalto university news article.
- November 26, 2018. Tianduanyi Wang joins KEPACO as FIMM/HIIT rotation student. Welcome Tian!
- November 17--20,2018. Viivi presents her paper "Sparse Non-linear CCA through Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion" at the ICDM-2018 conference at Singapore.
- October 8--December 21, 2018. Juho is visiting Telecom Paristech
- October 5, 2018. Anna Cichonska defends her PhD thesis "Machine Learning for Systems Pharmacology"
- October 4--5, 2018. Dr. Christina Leslie visits the group, giving a guest seminar and acting as the opponent of the PhD defence of Anna.
- September 8--12, 2018. Eric presents his paper "Liquid-chromatography retention order prediction for metabolite identification" at ECCB 2018
- August 20-22, 2018. Heli participates in the Summer School on Machine Learning in Drug Design, Leuven, Belgium
- August 13-September 21, 2018. Juho visits Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Jena, hosted by Prof Sebastian Boecker.
- August 1, 2018. Maryam Sabzevari joins KEPACO as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome Maryam!
- July 8, 2018: Anna received Best Oral Presentation award of the TransMed COSI at ISMB 2018. Congrats Anna!
- July 6-10, 2018: Anna presents her paper "Learning with multiple pairwise kernels
for drug bioactivity prediction" at ISMB-2018, Chicago.
- July 4-5, 2018: Juho and Anna visit Universite Laval in Quebec City, Canada
- June 28, 2018: KEPACO Summer retreat takes place in the wonderful Hvittrask
- June 4, 2018: Juho gives an invited presentation "Machine Learning for Small Molecule Identification" at the Annual Symposium on Computer Science in Finland 2018.
- May 11, 2018: KEPACO Alumnus Dr. Huibin Shen won the award for the best Finnish bioinformatics Ph.D. thesis done in 2016-2017 by Finnish Bioinformatics Society in their Annual meeting. Congratulations Huibin!
- May 2, 2018: Vilma Jagerroos starts as a intern with KEPACO in collaboration with Orion. Welcome Vilma!
- April 23, 2018: Antoine Basse from Telecom ParisTech starts as an intern. Welcome Antoine!
- April 3-6, 2018: Juho visits University College London
- March 8, 2018: Several KEPACO members participate and co-organize the Women in Data Science seminar in Helsinki
- February 1, 2018: Fabio Colella starts as a Honours student in our group. Welcome Fabio!
- December 3-8, 2017: Juho and Eric participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar Computational Metabolomics:Identification, Interpretation, Imaging
- November 15, 2017: Celine Brouard presents our paper "Magnitude-Preserving Ranking for Structured Outputs" in the ACML 2017 conference
- September 15, 2017. Heli Julkunen returns to our group as a Honours student. Welcome back and congratulations, Heli!
- September 14, 2017: Zheyang Shen joins KEPACO as a research assistant for a Doctoral Track rotation project. Welcome Zheyang!
- August 20 - September 10, 2017: Anna Cichonska makes at reseach visit to Stanford University. Good luck, Anna!
- June 24, 2017: Heli Julkunen joined Stanford Summer Session's International Honors Programme for the summer ( See Heli's blog article about the visit here.
- June 19, 2017: KEPACO alumna Dr. Sahely Bhadra has joined IIT Palakkad as a tenure-track assistant professor. Congratulations Sahely!
- June 6, 2017: See the Helsinki Challenge semi-final pitch of our Metabold team on Youtube here. The pitch starts at 52:28.
- June 5, 2017: Tolou Shadbahr starts as summer intern. Welcome Tolou!
- March 30, 2017: Huibin Shen defends his PhD thesis "Machine Learning for Small Molecule Identification".
The opponent is Prof. Francois Laviolette.
- March 27 - April 1. Prof. Francois Laviolette from Laval University
visits KEPACO group.
- March 19-23. Juho and Celine visit NII Shonan meeting on Computational Metabolomics in Shonan Village Center, Japan.
- March 1, 2017: Anton Mattsson starts as an intern. Welcome Anton!
- February 23, 2017: Our Metabold team pitched in the Helsinki Challenge pitch night. See our pitch in Youtube here, our part starts at 1:26:10
- January 16, 2017: We got to the semi-final of Helsinki Challenge with our joint team with University of Eastern Finland, lead by Dr. Kati Hanhineva. 20 ouf of 110 teams were selected for the semi-final.
- January 9, 2017: Mohamed Jabri begins as an intern in KEPACO. Welcome Mohamed!
- November 17, 2016: Sahely Bhadra presents the paper "Multi-view kernel completion" in ACML 2016 conference, Hamilto, NZ
- October 19-21, 2016: Sandor Szedmak will present the paper "Soft Kernel Target Alignment for Two-stage
Multiple Kernel Learning" at the 19th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2016) at Bari, Italy
- September 3-4, 2016: KEPACO Co-organize the 10th Internationa\
l Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology (MLSB 2016), in conjunction with ECCB 2016 conference in The Hague, The Netherlands. CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINE June 10, 2016. Proceedings track papers published in BMC Bioinformatics.
- July 8-12, 2016: Celine Brouard has an oral presentation on fast metabolite identification through input-output kernel
regression at ISMB 2016, Orlando, USA
- June 1, 2016: Heli Julkunen starts as a summer intern. Welcome Heli!
- May 19-20, 2016: Anna Cichonska and Viivi Uurtio co-organize the Bioinformatics Research and Education Workshop (BREW) in Helsinki
- May 9-11, 2016: Markus Heinonen present his paper on Non-stationary Gaussian process inference at AISTATS 2016, Cadiz, Spain
- May 6, 2016: KEPACO did well in the CASMI 2016 contest, Team Brouard (KEPACO/Jena) winning one category and Team Duehrkop (Jena/KEPACO) coming second.
- May 2-June 19, 2016: Juho makes a research visit to University College London
- December 18, 2015: Academy of Finland granted funding for the project "Data-Driven Decision Support for\
Digital Health - D4Health" as part of the ICT2023 programme. The project is implemented by consortium with \
5 research groups from Aalto, FIMM and HIIT.
- December 12, 2015: Celine Brouard and Hongyu Su will present posters in the NIPS MLCB/MLSB-2015 workshop
- October 8, 2015: Anna Cichonska has an oral presentation in American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (ASHG) in Baltimore, USA
- October 5, 2015: Viivi Uurtio has an oral presentation in the Discovery Science conference, Banff, Canada
- October 4, 2015: Anna Cichonska has an oral presentation in the International Genetic Epidemiology Society meeting in Baltimore, USA
- October 1, 2015: Eric Bach, Erasmus student, and Linh Nguyen, Honours student, start in the KEPACO group. Welcome!
- September 1, 2015: Dr. Sandor Szedmak joins KEPACO group. Welcome Sandor!
- Older news
- June 15, 2015: Parisa Mapar join us for a summer internship. Welcome Parisa!
- April 24-26, 2015: Hongyu Su and Huibin Shen participated in the Aalto Data Science Hackathon and received a best hack mention in the fitness category with their team.
- March 31, 2015: Hongyu Su was a recipient of 2014 Chinese government award for outstanding doctoral students, for top 500 students wordlwide. Congrats Su!
- March 27, 2015: Hongyu Su defends his PhD thesis "Multilabel Classification through Structured Output Learning - Methods and Applications"
- February 13, 2015: KEPACO will co-organize a Dagstuhl workshop on Computational Metabolomics in Nov-Dec 2015
- February 1, 2015: Jane Brodie joins our group to do her MSc thesis. Welcome Jane!
- January 1, 2015: Iitu Kuittinen starts as a MSc thesis worker in our group. Welcome Iitu!
- December 16, 2014: Juho gives a guest presentation "Metabolite Identification through Machine Learning" at Laval University
- December 5, 2014: Anna Cichonska and Viivi Uurtio obtained funded PhD positions in the HICT doctoral network call. Congratulations!
- October 8, 2014: Viivi Uurtio will present a poster "Extracting Sparse Canonical Correlations Between Microbial Communities and Deep Groundwater Geochemistry" at Discovery Science conference in Bled, Slovenia
- September 15, 2014: Juho Rousu will give an oral presentation on "Structured Prediction of Network Response" at ECML/PKDD Multi-Target Prediction workshop
- September 9, 2014: Our paper "Multilabel Structured Output Learning with Random Spanning Trees of Max-Margin Markov Networks" jointly authored by Hongyu Su and Juho Rousu with Mario Marchand, Emilie Morvant and John Shawe-Taylor was accepted to NIPS!
- September 6-7, 2014: Anna Cichonska and Huibin Shen will both give two presentations (oral+poster) in two ECCB workshops (MLSB, Proteome and Metabolome Informatics).
- September 4, 2014: The Workshop "Metabolic Engineering and synthetic biology" is co-organized at Aalto University by KEPACO researchers
- August 20, 2014: FIMM-HIIT Minisymposium is co-organized by KEPACO researchers
- August 10, 2014: Aris Gionis has written a blog article about our recent work on prediction of responses of a social network to different events.
- July 14, 2014: Huibin Shen presents the paper "Metabolite Identification through Multiple Kernel Learning on Fragmentation Trees" at ISMB'2014 conference in Boston, USA
- July 1, 2014: KEPACO group participates in large strategic opening "Living Factories", funded 4 million euro in '2014-2016 by Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (Tekes)
- June 27, 2014: Juho Rousu gives a guest lecture "Metabolite Identification through Machine Learning" at Tsinghua University.
- June 22, 2014: Hongyu Su presents the paper "Structured Prediction of Network Response" at ICML'2014 conference in Beijing, China
- June 3, 2014: Juho Rousu gives an invited lecture "Predicting Structured Data" at FIMM "Think Different" seminar series.
- June 2, 2014: Maja Ilievska and Jinmin Lei start as summer interns at KEPACO group
- May 15, 2014: Celine Brouard and Huibin Shen give guest presentations at Jena Center for Bioinformatics, Germany
- May 12-13, 2014: Anna Cichonska and Huibin Shen present their work at 12th Bioinformatics Reseach and Education Workshop. Anna also acts a local organizer of the Finnish contingent