Arto Klami. Variational Bayesian matching. In Steven C.H. Hoi and Wray Buntine, editors, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Machine Learning, volume 25 of JMLR C&WP, pages 205–220. JMLR, 2012. Best paper award.
Suggested BibTeX entry:
author = {Arto Klami},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Asian Conference on Machine Learning},
editor = {Steven C.H. Hoi and Wray Buntine},
language = {eng},
note = {Best paper award},
pages = {205-220},
publisher = {JMLR},
series = {JMLR C\&WP},
title = {Variational {B}ayesian matching},
volume = {25},
year = {2012},