Tuukka Ruotsalo, Jaakko Peltonen, Manuel J.A. Eugster, Dorota Glowacka, Aki Reijonen, Giulio Jacucci, Petri Myllymäki, and Samuel Kaski. Intentradar: Search user interface that anticipates user's search intents. In CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA '14, pages 455–458, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM.
intent modeling, interactive information retrieval, search user interfaces, visualization
Suggested BibTeX entry:
address = {New York, NY, USA},
author = {Ruotsalo, Tuukka and Peltonen, Jaakko and Eugster, Manuel J.A. and Glowacka, Dorota and Reijonen, Aki and Jacucci, Giulio and Myllym\"{a}ki, Petri and Kaski, Samuel},
booktitle = {CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
language = {eng},
pages = {455--458},
publisher = {ACM},
series = {CHI EA '14},
title = {Intentradar: Search User Interface That Anticipates User's Search Intents},
year = {2014},