Demonstration of analysis of birthday frequencies in USA 1969-1988 using Gaussian process with several components. Demonstration includes two parts a) analysis of data having sum of births for each day of year and b) analysis for whole time series. Data source: National Vital Statistics System natality data, as provided by Google BigQuery and exported to cvs by Chris Mulligan (sum data and Robert Kern (whole time series
require(RcppOctave) # load data d <- read.csv('birthdates-1968-1988.csv') # target and covariate y <- d$births n <- length(y) # fixed special days in USA specdays <- cbind( c(1,1,2,2,4,7,7,10,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12), c(1,2,14,29,1,4,5,31,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31)) # construct additional covariates for fixed special days xs <- matrix(0,n,nrow(specdays)) xsw <- matrix(0,n,nrow(specdays)) for (i1 in 1:nrow(specdays)){ xs[,i1] <- as.numeric(d$month==specdays[i1,1] & d$day==specdays[i1,2]) xsw[,i1] <- as.numeric(d$month==specdays[i1,1] & d$day==specdays[i1,2] & d$day_of_week>=6) } # construct additional covariates for floating special days uyear <- unique(d$year) xss <- matrix(0,n,3) # Labor day for (i1 in 1:length(uyear)){ q <- which(d$year==uyear[i1] & d$month==9&d$day_of_week==1) xss[q[1],1] <- 1 xss[q[1]+1,1] <- 1 } # Thanksgiving for (i1 in 1:length(uyear)){ q <- which(d$year==uyear[i1] & d$month==11 & d$day_of_week==4) xss[q[4],2] <- 1 xss[q[4]+1,2] <- 1 } # Memorial day for (i1 in 1:length(uyear)){ q <- which(d$year==uyear[i1] & d$month==5 & d$day_of_week==1) xss[tail(q,1),3] <- 1 } # Combine covariates x <- cbind(1:n,xs,xsw,xss) m <- ncol(x) # Normalize xn <- x # Pass variables to Octave: .O$m <- m .O$n <- n .O$x <- x .O$xn <- xn .O$yn <- scale(y) .O$ymean <- mean(y) .O$ystd <- sd(y) .O$d <- d # Construct the model in Octave: o_source(text=" % priors pl = prior_logunif(); pn = prior_logunif(); % smooth non-periodic component gpcf1 = gpcf_sexp('lengthScale', 365, 'magnSigma2', .7, 'selectedVariables', 1); % faster changing non-periodic component gpcf2 = gpcf_sexp('lengthScale', 10, 'magnSigma2', .4, 'selectedVariables', 1); % periodic component with 7 day period gpcfp1 = gpcf_periodic('lengthScale', 2, 'magnSigma2', .1, ... 'period', 7,'lengthScale_sexp', 20, 'decay', 1, ... 'lengthScale_prior', pl, 'magnSigma2_prior', pl, ... 'lengthScale_sexp_prior', pl, 'selectedVariables', 1); % periodic component with 365.25 day period gpcfp2 = gpcf_periodic('lengthScale', 100, 'magnSigma2', .1, ... 'period', 365.25,'lengthScale_sexp', 1000, 'decay', 1, ... 'lengthScale_prior', pl, 'magnSigma2_prior', pl, ... 'lengthScale_sexp_prior', pl, 'selectedVariables', 1); % linear component for special days gpcfl=gpcf_linear('coeffSigma2',1,'selectedVariables',2:m); % Gaussian model lik = lik_gaussian('sigma2', 0.1, 'sigma2_prior', pn); % construct the model gp = gp_set('lik', lik, 'cf', {gpcf1, gpcf2, gpcfp1, gpcfp2, gpcfl}); ") # optimise the hyperparameters (MAP), this might take several hours(!) o_source(text=" opt=optimset('TolFun',1e-3,'TolX',1e-4,'Display','iter'); gp=gp_optim(gp,xn,yn,'opt',opt); ") # Predictions and training log predictive density + loo-cv o_source(text=" [Eft, Varft, lpyt] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn);sum(lpyt) [Efl, Varfl, lpyl] = gp_loopred(gp, xn, yn);sum(lpyl) ") # Predictions for different components o_source(text=" [Eft1, Varft1] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn, 'predcf', 1); [Eft2, Varft2] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn, 'predcf', 2); [Eft3, Varft3] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn, 'predcf', 3); [Eft4, Varft4] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn, 'predcf', 4); [Eft5, Varft5] = gp_pred(gp, xn, yn, 'predcf', 5); ") # Pass results back to R: Eft1 <- .O$Eft1 Eft2 <- .O$Eft2 Eft3 <- .O$Eft3 Eft4 <- .O$Eft4 Eft5 <- .O$Eft5 # plot results (in Octave) o_source(text=" figure set(gcf,'units','centimeters'); set(gcf,'pos',[35 2 18.5 24]); set(gcf,'papertype','a4','paperorientation','portrait',... 'paperunits','centimeters','paperposition',[ 0 0 21.0 29.7]); clf subplot(4,1,1) % reshape 7 day periodic component ywft3s=reshape(Eft3(1:7301),7,1043)'; ywft3s=ywft3s(:,[6:7 1:5]); % trend is not completely seprated to the first smooth component so % compute the trend in the 7 day periodic component trend3=interp1(3:7:7303,mean(ywft3s'),1:n)'; % Eft1+trend3 = smooth trend from component 1 plus trend from the % 7 day periodic component % Eft2 = faster changing non-periodic component plot(x(:,1),denormdata(Eft1+trend3,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100,x(:,1),denormdata(Eft2,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100) set(gca,'xtick',1+cumsum([0+365 365+365 366+365 365+365 366+365 365+365 366+365 365+365 366+365 365+365]),'xticklabel',1970:2:1988,'xgrid','on','xlim',[-100 7405]) ylim([77 113]) line(xlim,[100 100],'color', 'r') legend('Slow trend','Fast non-periodic component','Mean',4) ylabel('Trends') title('Relative Number of Births') subplot(4,1,2) % compute index for start of each year ywys=reshape(d.year(1:7301),7,1043)'; ywys=ywys(:,[6:7 1:5]); Y=1969:1988; for i1=1:numel(Y); qi(i1)=find(ywys(:,1)==Y(i1),1); end % detrend the first periodic component (note that this trend was % added to smooth trend above) ywft3s=denormdata(ywft3s,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100; mywft3s=mean(ywft3s,2); ywft3s=bsxfun(@minus,ywft3s,mywft3s)+100; % ywft3s = 7 day periodic component at different years plot(ywft3s(qi(4:4:end),:)','-o') set(gca,'xtick',1:7,'xticklabel',{'Mon' 'Tue' 'Wed' 'Thu' 'Fri' 'Sat' 'Sun'},'xgrid','on') xlim([-.5 7.5]) ylim([77 113]) line(xlim,[100 100],'color', 'r') legend('1972','1976','1980','1984','1988',3) ylabel('Day of week effect') subplot(4,1,3) % reshape 365.25 day periodic component Y=1969:1988; yyft4s=NaN+zeros(20,366); for i1=1:numel(Y); for i2=1:366 q=Eft4(d.year==Y(i1)&d.day_of_year==i2); if ~isempty(q) yyft4s(i1,i2)=q; end end end yyft4s=denormdata(yyft4s,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100; % yyft4s = 365.25 day periodic component at different years plot(yyft4s(4:4:end,:)','-') set(gca,'xtick',1+cumsum([0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30]),'xticklabel',{'Jan' 'Feb' 'Mar' 'Apr' 'May' 'Jun' 'Jul' 'Aug' 'Sep' 'Oct' 'Nov' 'Dec'},'xgrid','on','xlim', [-86 388]) line(xlim,[100 100],'color', 'r') ylim([77 113]) legend('1972','1976','1980','1984','1988',3) ylabel('Day of year effect') % reshape special day component for i1=1:366 yft5(i1,1)=mean(Eft5(d.day_of_year==i1)); end subplot(4,1,4) % yft5 = special day effect plot(denormdata(yft5,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100,'-') set(gca,'xtick',1+cumsum([0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30]),'xticklabel',{'Jan' 'Feb' 'Mar' 'Apr' 'May' 'Jun' 'Jul' 'Aug' 'Sep' 'Oct' 'Nov' 'Dec'},'xgrid','on','xlim', [-86 388]) line(xlim,[100 100],'color', 'r') ylabel('Special day effect') ylim([77 113]) yft5d=denormdata(yft5,ymean,ystd)/ymean*100; h=text(1,yft5d(1),'New year','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(45,yft5d(45),'Valentine''s day','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom'); h=text(60,yft5d(60),'Leap day','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(92,yft5d(92),'April 1st','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(148,yft5d(148)-1,'Memorial day','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(186,yft5d(186),'Independence day','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(248,yft5d(248)-1,'Labor day','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(305,yft5d(305),'Halloween','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(328,yft5d(328)-1.5,'Thanksgiving','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); h=text(360,yft5d(360),'Christmas','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top'); drawnow; ")