Probabilistic Machine Learning Group

We develop new methods for probabilistic modeling, Bayesian inference and machine learning. Our current focuses are in particular learning from multiple data sources, Bayesian model assessment and selection, approximate inference and information visualization. Our primary application areas are digital health and biology, neuroscience and user interaction.

The research group is led by Prof. Samuel Kaski and Prof. Aki Vehtari and is part of

centered image

PML group, photo taken December 2023



Conor Hassan has recently joined us as a PostDoc! He received his PhD from the School of Mathematics and Statistics in September 2024. His dissertation was titled "Federated Learning for Bayesian Hierarchical Models". Welcome!


We are recruiting Researcher Fellows, Postdocs, doctoral researchers and summer interns! Check job page for more details and how to apply!


Naresh Garg recently joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Professor Samuel Kaski. He completed his Ph.D. in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India. His Ph.D. thesis focused on estimation problems of order-restricted parameters for general bivariate models under a general loss function. Naresh also completed a one-year postdoctoral research fellowship in the State-Math Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Delhi, where his work centered on non-parametric inference approaches for estimation and constructing confidence intervals for ROC curves.


Polina Barabanshchikova has just joined the group as an ELLIS PhD student under the supervision of professors Samuel Kaski at Aalto and Florence d'Alché-Buc at Telecom Paris. Her research will focus on composing pre-trained generative models. Previously, she completed her master's studies at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris where she worked on diffusion models for structured data prediction.


PhD student Victor Yeom Song has joined us!
Victor Yeom Song has joined the lab as an ELLIS PhD Student! His PhD research will focus on guiding generative models for structural generation underr the supervision of Professors Samuel Kaski, at Aalto, and Mingfei Sun, at the University of Manchester. Previously, he received his MSc in Data Science at the University of Helsinki.


PhD student Ognjen has joined us!
Ognjen is a starting PhD student in Samuel Kaski's group. He will start working on "Experimental design for design-build-test-learn cycles with human expert in the loop, with LLMs utilised in defining the goals". Previously, he obtained his MEng from Cambridge, where he worked on whether an LM imitation learning agent can learn the goals of an expert.Welcome!


PhD student Fenglei Li and Lingkai Zhu has joined us!
Previously Fenglei Li studied Computer Science at Shanghaitech University, China, with a focus on the intersection of deep learning and drug design. He now focuses on enhancing the drug design process with Human-in-the-loop approaches.
Lingkai obtained his master's degree in data science from Uppsala University, Sweden. He will start to work on out-of-distribution(OOD) in PML.


Professor Samuel Kaski is seeking postdocs for multiple projects! Check the call details here. Deadline is 15. September 2024.


Our postdoc researcher Ayush Bharti has received the Academy Research Fellowship from the Research Council of Finland. The project involves developing robust and sample-efficient inference methods for scientific simulators, click here for project description. Congratulations Ayush! A recruitment call for a PhD student for this project is opened, details here!


Jorge LorÍa recently joined our group as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Professor Samuel Kaski. Jorge received his Ph.D. in May from the Department of Statistics in Purdue University. His dissertation is titled "On the Use of α-stable Random Variables in Bayesian Bridge Regression, Neural Networks, and Kernel Processes". The focus of his PhD research was in developing statistical methodology when utilizing heavy-tailed distributions. Welcome!


Zahra RahimiNasab has just joined our group as a postdoc researcher under the supervision of professors Samuel Kaski and Arto Klami. Previously, she was a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her dissertation is titled "Disentangling latent space of variational autoencoder with distribution dependent guarantees for out-of-distribution detection and reasoning." The focus of her PhD research was on out-of-distribution detection and reasoning with the application of autonomous vehicles by using the latent space of variational autoencoder. Welcome!


We have two upcoming doctoral defences!
Antti Keurulainen will defend his thesis titled Real-time and sample-efficient learning of computationally rational user models starting at 12:00 26.3.2024 in Maarintie 8 AS2. The opponent is Dr. John Williamson, University of Glasgow, Great Britain. See the press release here.
Petrus Mikkola will defend his thesis titled Humans as Information Sources in Bayesian Optimization starting at 12:00 28.3.2024 in Computer Science building Konemiehentie 2 Lecture hall T2. The opponent is Professor David Leslie, Lancaster University, United Kingdom. See the press release here.


We are excited to announce the ELLIS Summer School on Collaborative and Generative AI (CoGenAI), which will be held at Aalto University, Helsinki, on 1-5 July 2024! This event is targeted for PhD students, but registration is open to anyone. Registration has already started (here) and is open until April 7th! For more information see or email


Ersin Yılmaz recently joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. His doctoral thesis, titled "Post-Shrinkage Estimation in High-Dimensional Partially Linear Models with Weighted Ridge Approach," focused on modeling high-dimensional data employing a shrinkage strategy within a partially linear regression framework. In his postdoctoral position, he will be contributing to the AI-Mind project, under the guidance of Professor Samuel Kaski.


Our doctoral student Alexander Nikitin will defend his thesis titled Probabilistic methods for predictive maintenance and beyond: graph and human-in-the-loop machine learning starting at 12:00 today in Undergraduate Centre, lecture hall R001/U135a U7 PWC. The opponent is Prof. Stefan Feuerriegel, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. See the press release here. Welcome!


Yaohong Yang has recently joint us as a research assistant! Her master thesis was about 'Distributed computing and online updating of matrix data.' She will be focusing on developing an AI assistant to help develop privacy-preserving versions of deep learning models under supervision of Professor Samuel Kaski and Professor Antti Honkela from University of Helsinki.


We are recruiting Researcher Fellows, Postdocs, doctoral researchers and summer interns! Check job page for more details and how to apply!


Our doctoral student Alex Aushev will defend his thesis titled Sample-efficient Inference for Agent-based Cognitive Models and Other Computationally Intensive Simulators starting at 12:00 today in Computer Science Building, Lecture Hall T2. The opponent is Prof. Gilles Louppe, University of Liège, Belgium. See the press release here. Welcome!


Ville Hyvönen has joined the group as a postdoc. He graduated as PhD from the CS Department of University of Helsinki where his work was focused on speeding up approximate nearest neighbor search by using machine learning methods. He will work on BioDesign project to create new enzymes with the help of machine learning.


Our PhD candidate Alejandro Catalina will defend on 3. November 2023, starting at 12pm. Title of the doctoral thesis is "Robust Bayesian Inference: variable and structure selection and variational inference". Opponent will be Associate Professor Justin Domke, University of Massachusetts, USA and Custos will be Prof. Aki Vehtari, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science. Read the thesis here . You can attend the defence in A Grid lecture hall A208d Jeti.


PhD student Alvar Haltia has joined us! Previously he studied Mathematics at the University of Helsinki, with a focus on Probability Theory. He now focuses on AI-assistance in problems in economics such as reverse game theory.


We are recruiting! Many positions for Postdocs and Doctoral students are open for exciting projects! More details can be found here.


Yifan Zhu has recently embarked on her PhD journey with us through the ELLIS program! She just received her Master's degree in Computer Science from Aalto University. Under ELLIS, she is supervised by Professor Samuel Kaski and co-supervised by Doctor Mingfei Sun from the University of Manchester. Her PhD research focuses on computational rationality in AI-assisted decision making.


Professor Samuel Kaski's group has open positions for Postdocs and Doctoral students! More details can be found here.


Our doctoral student Iiris Sundin will defend her thesis titled Interactive Knowledge Elicitation for Decision-Support Models in Precision Medicine starting at 12:00 on 20.6.2023 in lecture hall AS1, Maarintie 8. The opponent is Dr. Danielle Belgrave, DeepMind, United Kingdom. See the press release here. Welcome!


Postdoc Mahsa Asadi has recently joined us! Her PhD. work has been on different ways to use structure in online and collaborative problems. More concretely, theory of reinforcement learning(RL) for state action aggregation in model-based RL problems and employing structure in decentralized learning framework. Her focus for the postdoc is going to be on Human in the loop decision making for drug design.


PhD student Marshal Sinaga has recently joined us! Previously, he was a research assistant at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working on the intersection of counterfactual recourse and preference learning. His PhD project concentrates on utility-driven Bayesian experimental design under the unknown conditions.


We have summer interns Madhav Kanda, Rennan Cordeiro, Xinyu Zhang, Georgy Gritsenko, Duong Le, Yibo Zhang and Zachiris Björkman joining us this summer. Welcome!


Our doctoral student Mert Çelikok will defend his thesis titled Model-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for AI Assistants starting at 12:00 on 5.6.2023 in lecture hall R001/Y405, Undergraduate Centre. The opponent is Associate Professor Matthew E. Taylor, University of Alberta, Canada. See the press release here. Welcome!


Our doctoral student Tianyu Cui will defend his thesis titled Interaction Detection with Probabilistic Deep Learning for Genetics starting at 12:00 on 19.5.2023 in lecture hall T2, Computer Science building. The opponent is Professor Christopher Yau, University of Oxford, England. See the press release here. Welcome!


Our doctoral student Joonas Jälkö will defend his thesis titled Differentially private approximate Bayesian inference of probabilistic models starting at 12:00 on 8.5.2023 in lecture hall T2, Computer Science building. The opponent is Professor Emiliano De Cristofaro, University College London,England. See the press release here. Welcome!


Postdoc Sammie Katt has recently joined us! His Ph.D work was on Bayesian reinforcement learning, which aims for optimal control with respect to (uncertainty over) prior knowledge, in partially observable environments. His postdoc project focuses on modeling and solving AI-assistance tasks as sequential decision making problems.


We are hiring! Professor Samuel Kaski's research group is looking for early career scientists (Doctoral student, postdoc, research fellow) to develop next-generation AI methods for synthetic biology. Apply by May 7. Check the call details here. Read more about the BIODESIGN project for engineering enzymes with AI here.


Aalto University and VTT scientists have launched a research project BioDesign to create new enzymes with the help of machine learning. The goal is to accelerate the transition towards a circular bioeconomy. Merja Penttilä, research professor at VTT and adjunct professor at Aalto University leads the project with Professors of Aalto University Samuel Kaski, Juho Rousu and Vikas Kumar Garg. The project recently received almost two million euros in funding from the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation to provide solutions to the challenge of customising enzymes, including designing novel proteins. Check more details here.
A recruitment call for the project will open soon. Keep tuned! Contact PML group coordinator Fang Wang ( for more information.


CSC announces the launch of two collaborative research projects with Japan. The one is led by Professor Samuel Kaski from Aalto University and Associate Professor Antti Honkela from the University of Helsinki, both part of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). The project is looking to create an AI assistant to help develop privacy-preserving versions of deep learning models. The AI assistant will be trained on LUMI and validated with the help of a distributed multi-modal world model simultaneously developed by a research group from Japan's RIKEN. Check more details here in English or Finnish.


ELLIS Summer School 2023 (14-16 June 2023) - Registration now open, deadline 23rd May, 2023. Register via the University online Store!


Our doctoral student Akash Kumar Dhaka will defend his thesis titled Robust and Automated Variational Inference starting at 12:00 today on 20.1 in Maarintie 8 lecture hall AS2. The opponent is Associate Professor Maurizio Filippone from EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France. See the press release here.


We are recruiting Researcher Fellows, Postdocs, doctoral researchers and summer interns! Check job page for more details and how to apply!


Our doctoral student Zheyang Shen will defend his thesis titled Strengthening nonparametric Bayesian methods with structured kernels starting at 10:00 on 22.11 in Lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3. The opponent is Prof. Chris Oates from Newcastle University / Alan Turing Institute. See the press release here. Coffee and cake will also be served after the defence. Welcome!


Yujia Guo recently joined the group as a PhD student. Yujia received her Master's degree in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Aalto University. At PML, she will work on AI-assisted design under the supervision of Professor Samuel Kaski.


We are recruiting Researcher Fellows or Postdocs and PhD students! Check job page for more details and how to apply!


Magnus Ross (Manchester University) is visiting Aalto for the summer, and is giving a talk about Gaussian processes and convolutions on 21 June at 14.00 in room T5. Welcome!


Anton Naumove has joined us as a doctoral student! Anton received his Master's degree in Applied Physics and Mathematics from joint program at Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) and Skoltech. He has also worked as a researcher at Ivannikov Institute for System Programming on computer vision applied to healthcare and biology problems. At PML, he will work on AI-assisted drug design under the supervision of Samuel Kaski.


We have summer interns Bruce Nguyen, Daniel Wohlrath, Ian Välimaa, Leevi Veneranta, Anttoni Ojanperä, Yunseon Lee, Aleksanteri Sladek, Anselmi Jokinen and Sölvi Rögnvaldsson joining us this summer. Welcome!


We are seeking a Master thesis worker! Check job page for more details and how to apply!


Nikolas Siccha recently joined the group as a postdoc. His Ph.D work was on hyperbolic partial differential equations and their connection to the GENERIC framework for non-equilibrium thermodynamics at RWTH Aachen University (DE). His postdoc project focuses on safe iterative Bayesian model building.


Julien Martinelli joined the group as a postdoc. His PhD was done at Ecole polytechnique and focused on learning mechanistic models from time series data. At PML, he will work on Human-In-The-Loop aspects for drug design, supervised by Samuel Kaski, Markus Heinonen and Vikas Garg.


Hans Moen just joined the group as a new research fellow. His research interest is in natural language processing with a special focus on clinical/medical data for the purpose of supporting users in managing the information therein. He will primarily be working on language technology in the context of health data under the supervision of Samuel Kaski and Pekka Marttinen (ML4H).


Carlos Sevilla Salcedo joined the group as a new FCAI post-doc. His research interests include Bayesian latent representations and multi-view learning with a strong focus on medical applications. He got his PhD and M.Sc. at the University Carlos III in Madrid. His Ph.D. thesis was on Bayesian latent representation for the characterisation of mental disorders. At the PML group, Carlos will be working with Prof. Samuel Kaski and Prof. Arto Klami on AI-assisted design and decisions.


Chris McGreavy recently joined the group as a postdoc. His Ph.D work was on efficient bipedal locomotion in robots and humans at the University of Edinburgh (UK), his postdoc project focuses on AI-Assisted Design.


We are recruiting Researcher Fellows or Postdocs, PhD students and summer interns! Check job page for more details and how to apply!



We are recruiting a Master thesis worker! Check Current opportunities in job page for more details!


Maryam Kiashemshaki just joined us as a PhD student! Maryam received her Master's degree in Complex Systems, Life Science Technologies from Aalto University with honors. At PML, she will work on AI applications in synthetic biology under the supervision of Samuel Kaski, and her advisors are Juho Rousu and Merja Penttilä.


Our PhD candidate Diego Parente Paiva Mesquita will defend on 24. November 2021, starting at 12pm. Title of the doctoral thesis is "Advances in distributed Bayesian inference and graph neural networks". Opponent will be Dr. Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh, Scotland and Custos will be Prof. Samuel Kaski, Aalto University, Finland. Read the thesis here. You can attend the defence remotely in Zoom.


Manuel Haussmann got his M.Sc. and PhD from Heidelberg University, working with Prof. Fred Hamprecht and Melih Kandemir on Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Deep Learning for tasks such as active learning, multiple instance learning, probabilistic modelling, and dynamical systems. At Aalto University, he will be working under the supervision of Prof. Samuel Kaski and Prof. Harri Lähdesmäki on generative models for longitudinal data.


Our PhD student Eero Siivola will defend his thesis titled Applications of human feedback in Gaussian processes 29.10.2021 9:00 – 13:00. Check the defence info in Aalto page and attend in Zoom.


Nazaal recently got his masters degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics from KTH in Stockholm. His PhD is under the ELLIS program, with Samuel Kaski as his primary supervisor and Stefano Albrecht from the University of Edinburgh as his exchange supervisor. He will be working on AI assisted design from a multi-agent modelling perspective. His research interests include but are not limited to causality, computational rationality, reinforcement learning, and Gaussian processes.


Doctoral students Trung Trinh, Alex Hämäläinen, Arslan Masood, Yasmine Nahal and Anna Elisabeth Riha recently jointed the group!

Trung received his Master's degree in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from Aalto University in May 2021. At PML, he will work on using Bayesian methods to quantify predictive uncertainty of deep learning models under the guidance of Samuel Kaski and Markus Heinonen.

Alex has previously worked with us as a research intern and recently finished his Master's degree in Machine Learning at Aalto University. He will continue his work on differentiable user models under the supervision of Professor Samuel Kaski.

Arslan has a background in Chemical Engineering and he previously worked in the field of Single-cell Proteomics at ICB-Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany. At PML, Arslan would work on a project AI-for-Drug-Discovery supervised by Samuel Kaski and Markus Heinonen. His project is a part of the AIDD consortium and shared with Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium. He is excited to bridge the gap between Life Sciences and Machine Learning through his work.

Yasmine has dual skills in structural bioinformatics and Machine Learning. She completed a first specialized Master degree in Computer-Aided Drug Design at the University of Paris, and a second Master degree in Data Science at YNOV School of Informatics. Starting from November, she will join the PML group to work on her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Samuel Kaski and Markus Heinonen. Her research project is also part of the AIDD consortium and in collaboration with AstraZeneca, Sweden. She is very excited to contribute to the improvement of machine learning models for drug design through human-in-the-loop modeling.

Anna Elisabeth Riha recently completed her MSc in Statistics with a focus on inferential statistics and statistical methods in the life sciences in Berlin. Her research interests include model comparison and model selection in Bayesian data analysis and investigating approaches for reproducible, comprehensible and transparent model building as well as automation and machine-assistance in Bayesian workflows.


Our Professor Samuel Kaski was awarded the Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowship to establish a new center of excellence in UK! The funding relates to Kaski's work at the University of Manchester and covers the work of a research group for five years. The new project involves multiple partners, among others Aalto, the coordinating institution of FCAI. In practice, the new funding will strengthen the line of research already at the center of FCAI. The new research unit will develop AI that can help people define and specify the goals that they want to steer AI to strive towards. Especially medical research is believed to benefit from this work. Here is a 10min interview by Yle in Finnish.


Amauri Souza is teaming up with the PML group as an FCAI postdoc. His project aims to leverage geometric deep learning tools for human-computer interacting systems. He will work under the supervision of Prof. Vikas Garg and Prof. Samuel Kaski. Previously, he was a postdoc at Cornell University, working on deep learning under Prof. Kilian Weinberger. He got his Ph.D. and M.Sc. at the Federal University of Ceara in Brazil. Amauri's research interests lie in advancing machine learning to deal with structured data (e.g., graphs, sequences) appearing in a broad range of applications. Recently, he has focused on understanding the key design mechanisms behind the success of graph neural networks.


We are recruiting postdocs and doctoral students! Check our Jobs page !


Warmly welcome to our 8 summer interns, Juho Ylä-Jääski, Vasileios Christoforidis, Haoping Xiao, Anttoni Ojanperä, Daolang Huang, Hossein Firooz, Silva Perander and Weijiang Xiong, joining us this summer!


Our PhD candidate Pedram Daee will defend on 28. May 2021, starting at 12pm. Title of the doctoral thesis is "Probabilistic user modelling methods for improving human-in-the-loop machine learning for prediction". Opponent will be Prof. Roderick Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow, Scotland and Custos will be Prof. Samuel Kaski, Aalto University, Finland. Read the thesis here . You can attend the defence remotely in Zoom


We are recruiting a Master student for doing thesis work with us! Check the job description here!


Eurus-Jiayi Zhang joined us as a new research intern, she would work on user studies in AI-assistance for modelling, advised by Pierre-Alexandre, and supervised by Samuel Kaski and Antti Oulasvirta. She is doing her master's on Human Computer Interaction at Aalto University and will graduate in September 2021.


A new post-doc Ayush Bharti joined us! Ayush Bharti's research interests include likelihood-free inference, in particular approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) methods. He was employed as a PhD fellow at the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark from Nov 2017 to March 2021. His PhD topic was on making ABC methods for stochastic models in the field of radio propagation. He also received the M. Sc. degree in signal processing and computing from Aalborg University. At the PML group, Ayush will be working with Prof. Samuel Kaski on AI-assisted simulator-based inference.


Welcome our new comers, Master student Kosta Stanojevic and postdocs Osvaldo Martin and Aleksei Tiulpin!

Kosta Stanojevic will be working his Master thesis with us in the project Co-Adapt.

Osvaldo Martin will work with Prof. Aki Vehtari's team. Dr. Martin is a core developer of 3 Python open source probabilistic modeling tool projects: ArviZ, Bambi and PyMC3. He is specially motivated by the development and implementation of software tools for Bayesian statistics and probabilistic modeling and will work with Professor Vehtari and his group on the development of new methods and ideas for the Bayesian workflow.

Aleksei Tiulpin joins the group as a new FCAI post-doc. His research interests include data-efficient Bayesian deep learning with a strong focus on medical applications. Dr. Tiulpin did his PhD at the University of Oulu in 2017-2020 (graduated with distinction; best doctoral thesis award), and did his first post-doc at KU Leuven, Belgium with Prof. dr. Matthew Blaschko, working on principled methods for Bayesian posterior approximation in Deep Learning. At the PML group, Aleksei will work on active learning for decision-making, and will be advised by Prof. Samuel Kaski.


An inspiring podcast session about our work in AI and healthcare in Finnish!


Our PhD candidate Tuomas Sivula will defend on 12. March 2021, starting at 12pm. Title of the doctoral thesis is "Partitive Techniques in Bayesian Data Analysis". Opponent will be Dr. Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Custos will be Professor Aki Vehtari, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science. Check the detail here . You can attend the defence remotely in Zoom


A new PhD student Asael Alonzo Matamoros joined us! He studied math and statistics and is interested in model selection, Bayesian statistics, time series models, probability in functional spaces, dynamical systems, stochastic processes, and numerical methods for posterior approximation and its computational complexity. Welcome Asael!


Shibei Zhu is a new FCAI PhD student, supervised by FCAI professors Samuel Kaski and Ville Kyrki. Shibei completed her Master's degree in Visual Computing and Robotics at Imperial College London in 2020. Her research interests include the applications of Reinforcement Learning in fields as autonomous agents, robotics, and human-AI interactions.


We are recruiting Postdocs and research fellows! Check the HIIT call and apply here!


We are recruiting summer interns! Check the call and apply here!


We are recruiting PhD students! A HICT call joint by FCAI is opened for recruiting new PhD students! PML is providing many topics! Check the projects' details from our Jobs page or the HICT call page and apply here!


Our PhD candidate Homayun Afrabandpey will defend on 18. December 2020, starting at 3pm. Title of the doctoral thesis is "Methods for Probabilistic Modeling of Knowledge Elicitation for Improving Machine Learning Predictions". Opponent will be Professor Patrick Shafto from Rutgers University, USA and Custos will be Professor Samuel Kaski from Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science. Check the detail here . You can attend the defence remotely in Zoom


Sophie Wharrie joined the group as a PhD student. Sophie completed her Master's degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Sydney in 2018. She then worked as a management consultant specializing in AI applications at Deloitte, and recently, she co-founded the digital health startup Velmio. Her research interests include applications of machine learning in healthcare and personalized medicine.


Ali Khoshvishkaie joined the group as a doctoral student. He recently received his Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from Sharif University of Technology. His research interests include probabilistic machine learning, Bayesian deep learning, and interactive user modeling.


Simón Rodríguez Santana is visiting us! He is with us from mid-September to do a three month research stay with Prof. Aki Vehtari. He comes from the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT-CSIC) and the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain, where he is doing his PhD on Bayesian approaches to machine learning. During this time, he will be working with Aki and other group members on topics such as implicit processes and relevance measures, approximate inference, Bayesian neural networks, implicit distribution techniques and others.


FCAI and ELLIS are calling for postdocs, research fellows and PhD students! Check Jobs and admissions for details!


ELLIS inaugurates 30 research units at leading institutions across Europe - FCAI! FCAI is proud to host ELLIS Unit Helsinki, learn more here ELLIS Unit Helsinki - FCAI!


Welcome Augusto Gerolin visiting PML group! Augusto is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Department of Theoretical Chemistry of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (, studying Optimal Transport, Generative Models (GANs, VAEs, NFs), ML applications in Quantum Chemistry.


A Master thesis topic is available from PML group. Check the job description in our Jobs page and apply!


Nitin Williams recently joined the group as a postdoc. Nitin Williams did his Bachelor's degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) from Anna University, India before completing 10+ years of research experience on developing methods to analyse human electrophysiological data, i.e. EEG (Electroencephalography) and MEG (Magnetoencephalography) data. This included experience in University of Reading, UK (PhD), University of Cambridge, UK (post-doctoral) and University of Helsinki, Finland (post-doctoral). He recently received HIIT and FCAI funding to work with Prof. Samuel Kaski. The project is on applying methods from Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) to estimate parameters of MEG generative models. Estimating parameters of MEG generative models will illuminate biophysical mechanisms underlying brain functional networks observed with MEG while cognitive tasks are performed. Welcome, Nitin!


Louis Filstroff recently joined the group as a postdoc. He received his Ph.D. from Toulouse INP (France). He used to work within IRIT (Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research) on probabilistic non-negative matrix factorization, under the supervision of Cédric Févotte. Welcome, Louis!


HICT 2020 autumn call has opened for recruiting new PhD students! PML group has provided various topics . Check and apply!


Noa Kallioinen joined the group as a PhD student. He recently completed a MSc in Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University. Research interests include investigating improvements to practical Bayesian statistics workflows and methods to introduce present and future researchers to Bayesian statistical analysis. Welcome Noa!


Matthew West recently joined the group as an RSE connected with FCAI. He just finished an MSc in Statistics from University of Glasgow and has previously worked in the LIGO astronomy project in the US. He will be working on a variety of development projects with a focus on improving the long term software sustainability of the groups research output. Welcome Matthew!


We have two researchers visiting us, Fabio Ferreira and Teddy Groves. Fabio is a PhD candidate at the Department of Computer Science, University College London and his research interest focuses on developing and applying approximate Bayesian inference models for multi-view machine learning approaches in psychiatry. Teddy is a postdoctoral researcher at the NNF Center for Biosustainability in Copenhagen. He works on Bayesian statistical models of metabolic reaction networks. Welcome Fabio and Teddy!


Anirudh Jain joins us recently as a PhD student. He graduated from Integrated Master Program in Mathematics and Computing from IIT(ISM), Dhanbad with a broad understanding of approximate Bayesian inference and deep learning. His interest focuses in scalable Bayesian deep learning and probabilistic machine learning. Welcome Anirudh!


Anton Mallasto has joined PML as a postdoc! He did his PhD on geometry in probabilistic modelling at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. His postdoc project will focus on applying optimal transport geometry of probability distributions in transfer learning. Welcome Anton!


Doctoral candidate Olli-Pekka Koistinen will defend his doctoral dissertation "Algorithms for Finding Saddle Points and Minimum Energy Paths Using Gaussian Process Regression" on Thursday 9th January 2020 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, hall E Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, Espoo. Opponent: Professor Thomas Bligaard, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. The thesis is available here.


Aalto Science Institute (AScI) just opened 2020 international internship programme. Check the topics from PML here


Helsinki and FCAI will host a new European Lab for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) unit for top AI research. The mission of ELLIS is to benefit Europe in two ways:

  • 1. We want the best basic research to be performed in Europe, to enable Europe to shape how machine learning and modern AI change the world.
  • 2. We want to have economic impact and create jobs in Europe, and believe this is achieved by outstanding and free basic research, independent of industry interests.
  • 5.12.2019

    Designing AI that understands humans’ goals better. To make a better smart assistant, we need an AI that understands its user and does not constantly need detailed instructions. Check more details and related publications in press release.


    Application for Assistant Professors in Department of Computer Science is opened! The Department of Computer Science at the School of Science of Aalto University invites applications for tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level. Application will close on 12.1.2020. Check more info here.


    M.Sc. (Tech) Alexander Grigorevskiy will defend his doctoral dissertation "Advances in Randomly-Weighted Neural Networks and Temporal Gaussian Processes" on Friday 20 September 2019 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. Opponent: Professor Tommi Kärkkäinen, University of Jyväskylä. Custos: Professor Aki Vehtari, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science. The thesis is available here.


    M.Sc. (Tech) Sami Remes will defend his doctoral dissertation "Modelling non-stationary functions with Gaussian processes" on Friday 20 September 2019 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall M1, Otakaari 1, Espoo. Opponent: Dr. Seth Flaxman, Imperial College London, UK. Custos: Professor Samuel Kaski, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science. The thesis is available here.


    Pierre-Alexandre Murena started as a postdoc in the PML group in September. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Télécom ParisTech, in France, where he has been applying the tools of Algorithmic Information Geometry to domain adaptation, stream mining, analogical reasoning and multi-source clustering.

    Tejas Kulkarni joined the PML group as a postdoctoral researcher at the beginning of September. He was a PhD student in the department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, UK, mentored by Prof. Graham Cormode. His research focuses on developing the techniques of performing privacy preserving data analytics under the guarantees of Local Differential Privacy. Welcome both!


    Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students in the PML group. Find out more here and apply by 12.8.2019.


    Juho Piironen defended his doctoral dissertation Bayesian Predictive Inference and Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data" today. Congratulations!


    We are looking for an administrative research coordinator to join our outstanding team! With us you will experience an inspiring working environment with an excellent opportunity to establish yourself as a professional in research administration. Apply by May 28th, 2019 at


    M.Sc. (Tech) Juho Piironen will defend his doctoral dissertation Bayesian Predictive Inference and Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data" on Friday 24 May 2019 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. Opponent: Dr. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, University of Cambridge, UK. Custos: Professor Aki Vehtari, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science.


    Petrus Mikkola joins the PML group as a Doctoral student. He will be working on human-in-the-loop AI-assisted design. Welcome!


    Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) is opening a range of research positions for academics and ICT professionals in different levels of their careers. Read more on what FCAI can offer to you:


    A paper by Pashupati Hegde, Markus Heinonen, Harri Lähdesmäki, and Samuel Kaski, Deep learning with differential Gaussian process flows was awarded the 2019 Notable paper award at the 2019 AI and Statistics conference, one of only three papers to be awarded the honour out of a field of over one thousand submissions. Congratulations!


    Postdoc Måns Magnusson receives the Cramér prize for the best thesis in Statistics, defended in Sweden 2018. Congratulations, Måns!


    Saïd Maanan joins the PML group as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Auckland, and has 3+ years of experience in Information theory, Convex optimization, Graphical models, Multivariate analysis, and Latent-variable modeling. Saïd will be applying new simulation-based inference methods, in particular Approximate Bayesian Computation set of procedures, to develop a new generation of AI methodology. Welcome, Saïd!


    Associate Professor Richard Everitt from the University of Reading will give a guest lecture titled: "ABC and synthetic likelihood for expensive simulators" on Tuesday 19 March at 10:15 in T5 (A133), CS department, Aalto University. Welcome!


    Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) is looking for a software developer to work on an exciting collaboration on new AI methods. Find out more and apply here by the deadline of 25.3.2019.


    Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) is looking for a manager to coordinate and manage its administration. Find out more and apply here by the deadline of 28.2.2019.


    M.Sc. (Tech) Jarno Lintusaari will defend his doctoral dissertation "Steps forward in approximate computational inference" on Monday 18 March 2019 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall H304, Otakaari 1, Espoo. Opponent: Associate Professor Richard Everitt, University of Reading, UK. Custos: Professor Samuel Kaski, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science.


    Alina Saaranto joins the PML group as a Master thesis worker. She will be working on with B2B marketing problem from the buyer's perspective using agent-based modelling (ABM).


    We are looking for summer interns! Apply by 31.1.2019 here (national call) or here (international call).


    The Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) has been granted over €8 million in funding from the flagship programme of the Academy of Finland. Find out more here.


    Ivan Yashchuk joins the PML group as PhD student. Welcome!


    Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students in the PML group. Find out more here and apply by 31.1.2019.


    Aalto University School of Science invites applications for tenure-track or tenured professors in Computer Science. Find out more and apply here by 10.1.2019.


    Professor Barbara Engelhardt from the Princeton University will give a guest talk on Thursday 13.12.2018 at 15.00 in lecture room T2,CS department, Aalto University.


    Antti Kangasrääsiö defended his doctoral dissertation "Machine Learning Methods for Interactive Search Interfaces and Cognitive Models" today. Congratulations D.Sc. Antti Kangasrääsiö! Dissertation available here.


    Professor Kristian Kersting from the Technical University Darmstadt will give a guest lecture titled: "The Automatic Deep Statistician" on Thursday 15.11. at 17:15 in T5 (A133), CS department, Aalto University.


    AI Day 2018, organized at Aalto University by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. The event promotes matchmaking, information sharing and cross-border collaboration. Register for the event here.


    Open positions for postdocs and research fellows in machine learning and AI. Come and join us! Please see the full ad here.


    The latest Aalto Magazine issue focuses on artificial intelligence and features an interview from Sami Kaski. See more here.


    Mohammad Moein joins the PML group as PhD student. His main research is to aid drug discovery process by using statistical learning and optimization approaches. Mohammad completed his MSc in Computer Science from Technical University of Munich where he worked on different computer vision problems during his master study and wrote a thesis in the context of robust spectral clustering. Welcome, Mohammad!


    Zeinab Rezaei Yousefi joins the group as a PhD student after having worked with us as a summer intern. She will be working on interactive intent modelling. Zeinab completed her MSc at Tampere University of Science in Biomedical Engineering. During her master thesis she worked on signal quality estimation of Photoplethysmography (PPG) pulses acquired from PulseOn optical heart rate monitor and developed a classifier based on artificial neural networks. Welcome, Zeinab!


    Samuel Kaski featured in an article by the Academy of Finland: "Samuel Kaski teaches machines to learn". See the full article here .


    The Future Makers program of the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation and the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation awards 1M€ to FCAI (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence) initiative in which we are building an AI software toolbox to enable companies to have a smoother transition into using artificial intelligence methods. See more here (in Finnish) and here (in English).


    M.Sc. (Tech) Antti Kangasrääsiö will defend his doctoral dissertation "Machine Learning Methods for Interactive Search Interfaces and Cognitive Models" on Friday 16 November 2018 at 12.00 at the Aalto University School of Science, Lecture hall M1 (2nd floor, M-wing), Otakaari 1, Espoo. Dissertation available here.


    M.Sc. (Tech) Eemeli Leppäaho will defend the dissertation "Bayesian Multi-View Factor Models for Drug Response and Brain Imaging Studies” on Friday 12 October 2018 at 12 noon at the Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Espoo. In the dissertation, modelling of multiple related data sources was studied. Applications to drug response and brain imaging studies showed the advantages of the developed methods. Dissertation available here.


    Irina Rish from IBM T.J. Watson Research Center is giving a lecture as part of the Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on "AI for Neuroscience and Neuroscience for AI" on 11 October 2018 at at 15:00-16:00 in Lecture hall T1, CS Building, Aalto University. See more and register for the event here


    Francesca Rossi, global leader for AI Ethics from IBM research, is giving a guest lecture "Ethically bounded AI" on Tuesday 9th October, 2018 at 5PM in TUAS-building (lecture hall TU1), Maarintie 8, Espoo. The event is free of charge and open to all interested in the leading research, policy discussions and practical questions on AI Ethics. Organizers: FCAI and Teknologiateollisuus. See the full ad here


    AI Forum - European ministerial conference on AI is organized at Aalto University on 8-9 October 2018. The event brings together political leaders, policy makers, experts, entrepreneurs and industry leaders from all over Europe and beyond. Follow the live webcast here


    Position for funded master thesis project in applications of machine learning in marketing automation. See the full ad here


    Jaakko Peltonen appointed as professor of statistics (data analysis) at the University of Tampere as of 1.6.2018. Congratulations!


    Pekka Marttinen and Arno Solin appointed as an assistant professors in machine learning at Aalto University as of 1.8.2018. Congratulations!


    Open Postdoc and Doctoral student positions in machine learning available. More information here.


    Luana Micallef appointed as an assistant professor of Information Visualization at the University of Copenhagen as of 1.8.2018. Congratulations!


    Pekka Parviainen to join the University of Bergen as an associate professor as of 1.6.2018. Congratulations!


    Position for funded master thesis project on Multi-armed-bandit utilization on marketing automation. See the full ad here


    Position for postdoctoral researcher in machine learning for inferring chemical toxicity available. See the full ad here


    Yang Zhirong appointed as a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Congratulations!


    EXCAPE - using supercomputers and machine learning for drug discovery.


    New course in Aalto on Probabilistic Modelling for Cognition and Interaction: Towards AI That Understands Its User will begin on February 19th.


    Michael Betancourt (Columbia University) is visiting the group and gives a talk "Here Be Dragons: High-Dimensional Spaces and Statistical Computation" in the Machine Learning coffee seminar on Monday 12.2. 9:15 in lecture hall T5.


    New AI method keeps data private.


    Apply for Macadamia Doctoral Track (Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence).


    Artificial Intelligence Day attracted 600 people fascinated by AI


    Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students in the PML group. More info here.


    Aalto University and the University of Helsinki have joined forces in artificial intelligence research by establishing the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). More information here.


    Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia) has granted Homayun Afrabandpey a funding for a full year. Congratulations!


    Dr. Anil Korkut (Dept. Bioinformatics & Comp Bio UT MD Anderson Cancer Center) gives a talk "Overcoming resistance to targeted cancer therapy with network pharmacology" in lecture hall T5 on Friday 28.7. at 10:15 (coffee at 10:00). The lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge. More information here.


    Muhammad Ammad-ud-din, M.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Machine learning methods for improving drug response prediction in cancer" on 27 July 2017 at 12 noon in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall T2, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo. More information here. Good luck!


    Several postdoctoral researcher positions available (deadline Sept 24). More information here.


    Tekes has granted us funding for a machine learning project to increase efficiency of farming by predicting the interaction between the plant and environment. Link


    Makoto Yamada from RIKEN AIP is visiting us 22.-31.5.


    Zhirong Yang gets an Academy Research Fellow position. Congrats!


    ICML 2017 Workshop on Private and Secure Machine Learning. Submission deadline is 26 May.


    Computers learn to understand humans better by modelling them. News item here.


    New software package for exploratory analysis of multiple data sources published!


    New algorithm identifies gene transfers between different bacterial species. More information here.


    Professor Motoki Shiga (Gifu University, Japan) is visiting the group 27.2 - 3.3 and gives a talk Electron Microscopic Spectral Imaging Analysis Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in lecture hall T4 on Thursday 2.3. at 12:15. More information here.


    Several Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Fellow Positions available (deadline March 19). More information here.


    Fully funded positions for exceptional Doctoral students (deadline March 5). More information here.


    Finland wants to be world's number one in AI.


    Apply for summer intership in PML group, deadline Feb 7. The list of topics can be found here.


    ELFI: Engine for Likelihood-Free Inference facilitates more effective simulation. See the news item here.


    A new mutation mechanism was found in human and bacterial genomes. See the news item here.


    Machine Learning Coffee Seminars starting January 9. More information here.


    AScI internship opportunities available for Bachelor's students. More information here.


    Doctoral track takes Bachelor's students directly into PhD studies. More information here.


    John O'Donovan (University of California Santa Barbara) is visiting us on Wednesday 14.12. and will give a talk Interaction Design and Evaluation for Recommender Systems in T2 at 11:15.


    New Python software Engine for likelihood-free inference (ELFI) released! See the code at GitHub.


    Information retrieval is now possible with the help of EEG interpreted with machine learning. More information here.


    PML group ruled in the first CS department Foosball tournament organized this autumn! The final was played between teams Eemeli Leppäaho & Jussi Gillberg and Pedram Daee & Homayun Afrabandpey, the victory going to Pedram and Homayun. Congratulations! Here are two pictures from the final: the battle and the ceremony.


    Thomas Brouwer (Univ Cambridge) is visiting us 7. - 11.11. and gives a talk on Bayesian data integration by multiple matrix tri-factorisation (7.11. at 12:15 in T6). The abstract of the talk can be found here.


    Henri Vuollekoski and Teppo Niinimäki joined the group as postdocs. Betül Güvenç joined the group as a doctoral student. Welcome!


    Abhirup Datta's visit is cancelled due to delays in flights. Thus the talk originally scheduled for tomorrow is also cancelled.


    Abhirup Datta from Johns Hopkins University will visit the group on Wednesday 31.8. and gives a talk about Hierarchical Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models for Large Geostatistical Datasets (arXiv) in room T4 at 3pm.


    Digital calculator provides the estimated risk for GIST recurrence based on a risk analysis model developed by Aki Vehtari. See the news item here.


    2016 DeGroot Prize was awarded to Aki Vehtari and co-authors for the book Bayesian Data Analysis. Congratulations! See the news item here.


    GPstuff 4.7 has been released and can be downloaded here.


    Javier González from University of Sheffield is visiting the group 8.6. - 10.6.


    Our group was involved in organizing the ABCruise workshop on Approximate Bayesian Computation and related methods. More information can be found from the corresponding HIIT news article.


    Olli-Pekka Koistinen came in 13th in the European Orienteering Championship Sprint in Czech Rebublic. Congratulations!


    Alan Saul from University of Sheffield is visiting the group 23.5. - 11.6.


    Thomas Brouwer from University of Cambridge is visiting the group 11. - 13.5. He will give a talk Bayesian data integration by multiple matrix tri-factorisation on Thursday 12.5. at 13:00 in T4 (room A328).


    Arno Solin will defend his dissertation Stochastic Differential Equation Methods for Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Process Regression on Friday 8.4. at 12:15 in F239a (Otakaari 3). Good luck!


    Prof. Manfred Opper from TU Berlin will give a talk Score matching and nonparametric estimators of drift functions for stochastic differential equations on Thursday 7.4. at 15:15 in lecture room TUAS R037/1023-1024.


    Apply for Postdoctoral and Research Fellow positions in PML group.


    Juho Kokkala will defend his dissertation Particle and Sigma-Point Methods for State and Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. Good luck!


    Apply for Summer Traineeship in PML group.


    PhD positions available in PML group. Application deadline is February 29.


    PML group is offering Master's Thesis work positions.


    Qin Xiangju joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!


    Apply for AScI internship in PML group.


    Prof. Ole Winther from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is visiting the group 18. - 20.1. He will give a talk FindZebra - the search engine for rare diseases on Wednesday 20.1 at 15:30 at lecture hall TU1.


    Eero Siivola joins the group as a doctoral student. Welcome!


    Marko Järvenpää joins the group as a doctoral student. Welcome!


    Alan Saul from University of Sheffield is visiting the group 2.11. - 2.12.


    PML group takes part in organizing the ABCruise.


    Iiris Routa joins the group as a doctoral student. Welcome!


    We have two new group members: Marta Soare joined the group as a postodc and Karoliina Toivonen as a research assistant. Welcome!

    7. - 8.9.2015

    Prof. Sara Mostafavi from University of British Columbia is visiting. She will give a talk Integrating multiple types of genomics data to disentangle meaningful associations on 8.9.2015 at 14:15 in lecture hall T2.


    Suleiman Khan will defend his dissertation Bayesian multi-view models for data-driven drug response analysis. Good luck!


    Prof. Florence d'Alche is visiting the group 1. - 2.9.2015.


    Jonathan Strahl joins the group as a doctoral studet. Welcome!


    Postdoc and research fellow positions in probabilistic machine learning, interaction and augmented research. More information here.


    Alan Saul from University of Sheffield is visiting the group 21.8. - 4.9.


    Andrej Gisbrecht joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!


    Aalto Probabilistic Machine Learning group launched! The group is a fusion of two former research groups from Aalto University, the Statistical Machine Learning and Bioinformatics group and the Bayesian Methodology group.


    Xuran Zhao has been appointed to an assistant professorship at Zhejiang University of Technology. Congrats!


    The group has an open PhD position in machine learning and visual analytics. See the call for details and apply by June 17th!


    Samuel Kaski was selected as Academy Professor for the years 2016 - 2020. Congrats!


    Pekka Marttinen gets an Academy Research Fellow position. Congrats!


    We are co-organizing MASAMB 2015.


    The group has open postdoc positions. See the call for details and apply by April 26th!


    Tomi Peltola joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!


    Homayun Afrabandpey joins the group as a doctoral student. Welcome!


    Assistant Professor Fan Yang from Xiamen University visits the group and gives an invited talk.


    We are hiring summer interns (Deadline passed).


    Pekka Marttinen becomes a university lecturer. Congrats!


    The group has open postdoc positions. See the call for details and apply by January 7th!


    Tommi Suvitaival will defend his doctoral thesis Bayesian Multi-Way Models for Data Translation in Computational Biology. Good luck, Tommi!


    FiDiPro Professor Hiroshi Mamitsuka joins the group. Welcome!


    Sahely Bhadra, Yi Chen (postdocs), Mrinal Kanti Das and Pedram Daee (doctoral students) join the group. Welcome!


    Open positions


    Paul Blomstedt joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!


    Juuso Parkkinen will defend his doctoral thesis Probabilistic components of molecular interactions and drug responses. Good luck, Juuso!


    Seppo Virtanen will defend his doctoral thesis Bayesian latent variable models for learning dependencies between multiple data sources. Good luck, Seppo!


    S. Kaski will give a keynote at PRIB 2014, on Learning from multi-modal data: integration, data translation and drug sensitivity prediction.


    Ali Faisal will defend his doctoral thesis Retrieval of Gene Expression Measurements with Probabilistic Models. Good luck, Ali!


    The Finnish weekly news magazine Suomen Kuvalehti publishes a news article about the filter bubble and SciNet.


    The group is involved in a new Tekes strategic research opening (a participant in the living factories programme).


    Drug sensitivity predicted computationally by HIIT and FIMM researchers (Nature Biotechnology article; press release).


    Samuel Kaski gives a keynote talk in CIP2014, on Exploratory and Contextual Search with Interactive Intent Modelling.


    Luana Micallef joins the group as a postdoc, with joint appointment with UI. Welcome!


    Lu Cheng awarded the best Finnish 2013 PhD thesis in bioinformatics by the Finnish Society for Bioinformatics.


    Pekka Parviainen joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome!